- Several progressive groups have joined a letter voicing opposition to several amendments offered by Senator Jeff Sessions to the hate crimes legislation.
- Lou Dobbs sure does seem to be dedicating a lot of time to the Birthers and their claims.
- On a related note, David Weigel continues his excellent coverage of the issue, pointing out how it is starting to dog Republicans.
- Chris Rodda takes up Rep. Randy Forbes' challenge to debate his "spiritual heritage week" resolution.
- Steve Benen notes that Gov. Mark Sanford wants to make it known that he is really, really sorry for going AWOL for several days and having an affair.
- Alan Colmes: Free Republic Founder Calls For Peaceful Overthrow Of US Government.
- Finally, Jim Burroway reports that Lou Engle and Charlotte, North Carolina-based pastor Michael Brown are teaming up to bring in thousands of volunteers to overwhelm this year's Charlotte Pride event.