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Right Wing Round-Up - 5/22/15

  • Sarah Posner @ Religion


    : Josh Duggar and the Purity Lie.
  • href="">Tim Murphy @ Mother Jones: Does

    Mike Huckabee Know Where the Ark of the Covenant Is Buried?

  • href="

    combat-dis.html">Kyler Geoffroy @ Towleroad: New Orleans Mayor Blasts Bobby Jindal's Anti-Gay Crusade, Issues Counter

    Executive Order to Combat Discrimination.

  • 123/louisiana-house-makes-gov-jindal">The Advocate: Louisiana House to Gov. Bobby Jindal: Pay your own travel expenses.

  • scandal-make-hypocrites-of-us-all-66226bb2ff1b">Sarah Jones @ Medium: Family values: Fundamentalism wounds, but don’t let
  • the Duggar scandal make hypocrites of us all.

  • href="">Christopher

    Massie @ BuzzFeed: Ben Carson Would Send Ground Troops To Fight ISIS Now.

  • duggar-accept-mother-of-the-year-award-from-pastor-who-resigned-for-adultery/">Tom Boggioni @ Raw Story: Watch Michelle Duggar

    accept ‘Mother of the Year’ award from pastor who resigned for adultery.