- Towleroad: NOM Coalition Releases North Carolina Ad Urging Protection of Biblical 'God-Created' Marriage.
- Bil Browning @ Bilerico: Newt Gingrich Enters NC Amendment One Fray.
- Daily Kos: Rush Limbaugh demands YouTube remove Daily Kos video ... watch it here.
- Leslie Kantor & Dr. Carolyn Westhoff @ RH Reality Check: New Secret Hoax Campaign Another Tactic in the Wars Over Safe Abortion Care and Women's Rights.
- Warren Throckmorton: David Barton spins the Jefferson Lies on Glenn Beck, Part 2.
- Sarah Posner @ Religion Dispatches: CPCs Hire Christians Only With Federal Funds? Thank Obama.
- John Gehring @ Bold Faith Type: Georgetown Professors to Ryan: Stop Distorting Catholic Teaching on Budget.
- Equality Matters: Pat Robertson: Anti-LGBT Bullying Is "Terrible," "Schools Shouldn't Permit That."