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Right Wing Round-Up - 1/23/15

  • Andy Towle @ Towleroad: OK Rep. Sally Kern Targets Gays With 3 of the Most Offensive Bills Filed in 2015.
  • Alan Colmes: Tom DeLay: Obama’s State Of The Union Address ‘Great’ In Laying Out ‘His Socialist Ideas.’
  • John Fea: Why Huckabee May Have A Shot At The GOP Nomination.
  • Jeremy Hooper: Major Iowa caucus player calls on next President to 'politely reject unjust SCOTUS opinions.'
  • Travis Gettys @ Raw Story: Louie Gohmert spent campaign funds on trips to England: ethics complaint.
  • Warren Throckmorton: David Barton Plagiarizes Eric Metaxas’ WSJ Article on a Fine-Tuned Universe.