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Right Wing Round-Up - 1/23/14

  • Dan Rafter @ HRC: Utah Special Attorney General Cites “Religious Duty” in Decision to Take Anti-Marriage Equality Case.
  • Andy Towle @ Towleroad: Virginia Attorney General Says He Won't Defend State's Gay Marriage Ban in Court.
  • Jeremy Hooper: Audio: Rep. Randy Weber says anti-gay groups came to him to draft State Marriage Defense Act.
  • Terry Firma @ Friendly Atheist: Illinois GOP Candidate Says God Put Autism and Dementia on Earth as Punishment for Marriage Equality and Abortion.
  • Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: ‘The wife is to voluntarily submit.’
  • Molly Redden @ Mother Jones: How Oil Drilling Is Like the "Civil Rights Revolution," and Other Gems From the Tea Party's Rising Star.