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Right Wing Round-Up - 12/11/13

  • Peter

    Montgomery @ Huffington Post

    : The Perils of Religious Politicking.
  • href="">Josh Feldman @

    Mediaite: Glenn Beck Calls Obama ‘Out-of-Control Arrogant’ for Mandela Memorial Selfie.

  • pole/">David Edwards @ Raw Story: Fox News host flips over atheist holiday display: ‘Baby Jesus is behind the Festivus pole!

  • Igor
  • Volsky @ Think Progress: Congressman Botches Attempt To Compare Sebelius To North Korean Dictator — And Then Really Freaks


  • href="">Sarah Posner

    @ Religion Dispatches: Paul Ryan Is Like Jesus, But It's Not What You Think.

  • href="">Elias Isquith @ Salon: GOP

    congressman: U.S. shouldn’t have lowered flags for Mandela.