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Right Wing Round-Up - 10/9/13

  • Josh Glasstetter @ Hatewatch: Rep. Randy Forbes to Raise Cash for Anti-Gay Hate Group on Friday.
  • Lee Fang @ The Nation: Meet the Evangelical Cabal Orchestrating the Shutdown.
  • David Edwards @ Raw Story: Gohmert shrugs off debt limit: Government can’t default if it stays shut down.
  • Ben Dimiero & Timothy Johnson @ Media Matters: Meet The Conspiracy Theorist Behind This Week's Trucker Rally In D.C. & Conspiracy Theorist Radio Host Calls For Violence If Trucker Protest Fails.
  • ADL: Extremists Exploit Issue of Immigration Through Activism.
  • Towleroad: Anti-Gay San Antonio Councilwoman Elisa Chan Resigns, Announces Bid For State Senate.
  • Alan Colmes: Rick Joyner Tells Me We’re Better Off With A Military Takeover.