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Right Wing Round-Up - 10/24/14

  • discriminate-against-same-sex-couples/">Zack Ford @ Think Progress

    : Idaho City Says For-Profit Wedding Chapel Can Discriminate

    Against Same-Sex Couples.

  • colorado-governor">Andy Kroll @ Mother Jones: Anti-Abortion Colorado Republican Candidate Tries to Pass Himself Off As Pro-


  • king">Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Stay calm, carry on, and don’t listen to Peter King.

  • href="">Evan McMurry @ AlterNet: The

    Right's Fruitless Search for a Democrat as Terrible as Todd 'Legitimate Rape' Akin.

  • href="">Eric Hananok @ Media Matters:

    Allen West On Ottawa Attack: "Shut Down" Mosques Of Perpetrators And Deport The Imams.