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Right Wing Round-Up - 10/18/13

  • Michael Keegan @ The Huffington Post: California, Here We Come: A Republican Nightmare Offers Our Country a Path Forward.
  • Andrew Kirell @ Mediaite: Roland Martin Confronts Ben Carson Over Obamacare ‘Worst Thing Since Slavery’ Comments.
  • Camille Beredjick @ Friendly Atheist: Dr. Ben Carson: The Secular Movement’s Promotion of LGBT Rights Endangers ‘Everything Else in the Bible.’
  • Scott Kaufman @ Raw Story: Kansas Supreme Court indefinitely suspends license of former Attorney General who speciously prosecuted Planned Parenthood and George Tiller.
  • Equality Matters: AFA's Tim Wildmon Wonders Whether Military "Tanks Are Gonna Start Rolling Down The Street ... In Front Of Our Office."
  • Eric Stern @ Salon: Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare.