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Right-Wing Religious and Political Activists Trying to Overturn Biden Victory Will Converge on Washington Dec. 12 

Image from Jericho March video promoting Dec. 12 events in Washington, D.C. and swing state capitals.

A motley collection of Trump die-hards, “stop the steal” activists, elected officials, right-wing religious leaders, and anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, and anti-Muslim activists are planning to gather in Washington, D.C., Saturday, Dec. 12—just two days before the casting of Electoral College votes—for a set of marches and a rally meant to “amplify a unifying message for the nation that blends the political and spiritual aspects of the fight for election integrity.”

According to a press release from Jericho March, Stop the Steal, and Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, the Dec. 12 “national prayer rally” is being called “Let the Church ROAR!” The press release states:

On the morning of December 12th, Jericho Marchers will simultaneously march around the U.S. Capitol, Supreme Court, and Department of Justice seven times praying for the walls of corruption and election fraud to fall down, just as Joshua and the Israelites walked around the walls of corrupt Jericho.

Following the marches, patriots and people of faith will converge on the National Mall for the Let the Church ROAR!” Prayer Rally taking place from late morning until approximately 4 PM, a partnership sponsored by Jericho March and Stop the Steal that amplifies a unifying message for the nation that blends the political and spiritual aspects of the fight for election integrity.

Leaders of the event have not been amplifying particularly “unifying” messages, but rather conspiracy theories and false claims from President Donald Trump and his supporters that Trump actually won the election, despite Joe Biden’s win in November with 306 to 232 electoral votes and a popular vote margin of more than 7 million votes.

Jericho March has encouraged people to rally every day outside their state capitols. A three-minute video promoting the national Dec. 12 gathering and regional gatherings being held that day in swing states lost by Trump begins with the assertion, “America is under attack.” The video continues:

Our voices rang out on Nov. 3, but the most corrupt forces in America and abroad and their conspirators in the media and Big Tech have tried to silence our voices and our vote.

This is a defining moment in history, and our country needs us—now.

We are at a crossroads. One path leads to a return to our founding Judeo-Christian principles: love of God, life, liberty, justice, law and order.

The other path leads to socialism, globalism, destruction, a dismantling of our great nation as we know it.

But the voices of patriots and people of faith will not be silenced.

America is a gift entrusted to us by our creator and a republic secured by our Founding Fathers and those who sacrificed to keep us free.

Now it is our moment to save our republic and protect our freedoms from the corrupt and destructive forces at work. The world is watching.

Jericho was a city of false gods and corruption. On God’s command, Joshua and the army of Israel marched around the city seven times and let out a loud shout, and God brought down the walls of the city and exposed the darkness.

Our Jericho March was born of a vision from God. We the people peacefully march, pray, and protest for election integrity, transparency, and reform, until the walls of this Jericho crumble down. We pray, march, and protest to preserve free and fair elections in our great republic for the sake of our generation and generations to come.

We are calling on all American patriots and people of faith to join us on our Jericho marches every day at noon at their state capitols. These marches will culminate on Dec. 12 at a “Let the Church ROAR!” national march on Washington, D.C., and regional marches in all the swing states.

If you are deeply troubled by the fraud and corruption in this election and want to protect the future of a free America, then come and join us. Stand for truth and justice.

This is our battle of Jericho for people of faith and patriots from all across America. Join us Dec. 12 in Washington, D.C.; Atlanta, Georgia; Carson City, Nevada; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Lansing, Michigan; Madison, Wisconsin; and Phoenix, Arizona.

We believe in a great and powerful God who can move mountains, expose corruption, and restore justice. We believe in a God of miracles. Join this movement. Share, march, pray, donate, hold the line, and expect a miracle.

Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona and state Rep. Vernon Jones of Georgia are scheduled to speak Dec. 12, along with leaders of the sponsoring groups: Ali Alexander of Stop the Steal, Ed Martin of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagles, and Rob Weaver and Arina Grossu of Jericho March. Other right-wing activists include MyPillow founder and right-wing funder Mike Lindell, pundit Eric Metaxas, Tea Party Patriots’ Jenny Beth Martin, anti-choice activist Abby Johnson, and representatives of Trump campaign groups like Women for Trump, Bikers for Trump, and Cowboys for Trump.

Catholic Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, is one of the religious leaders confirmed as speaking by video. Strickland is a vocal critic of Pope Francis, and before the election in which Joe Biden was elected to become the nation’s second Catholic president, Strickland endorsed claims that it is impossible for someone to be Catholic and a Democrat. Earlier this year, Strickland signed a manifesto claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as a pretext to undermine freedom and create a “world government beyond all control.”

The dominionist Pentecostal wing of Trump’s amen corner is also represented by “prophet” Cindy Jacobs, a leader of the New Apostolic Reformation, who will also provide a message by video. Jacobs, whose Generals International seeks to “disciple nations” to its biblical worldview, is a member of the leadership council of the pro-Trump POTUS Shield. She has participated in some of the many online events praying for God to intervene and keep Trump in the White House for a second term.

For some reason, anti-Muslim activist Frank Gaffney is listed in the press release as a religious leader. Gaffney is identified with one of his projects, Save the Persecuted Christians, which he promoted at this year's National Religious Broadcasters convention while trashing another convention speaker as a "Sharia supremacist."

Also identified as a religious leader is Kevin Jessip, who organized the Sept. 26 "The Return" rally in Washington, D.C., which promoted Trump's reelection and a Christian nationalist vision of America.

The full speakers’ list, according to the press release, follows:

Faith Leaders:

  • Bishop Garlington
  • Bishop Strickland, Catholic Diocese of Tyler, Texas (video)
  • Cindy Jacobs, Generals International (video)
  • Dede Laugesen,
  • Taylor Marshall, Catholic Author and Commentator (video)
  • Greg Bramlage, Missionaries of the New Evangelization
  • Hans Jacobse, American Orthodox Institute
  • Frank Gaffney and Kevin Freeman, The Persecuted Church
  • Gail Sheppard and George Michalopulos, Orthodox Leaders with Monomakhos
  • Kevin Jessip, The Return, Global Strategic Alliance
  • Rob Weaver and Arina Grossu, Jericho March
  • Dede Byrne, POSC, Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts (video)

Political Leaders, Business Leaders, and Activists:

  • Abby Johnson, And Then There Were None
  • Ali Alexander, Stop the Steal
  • Bernadette and R.C., Bikers for Trump
  • CJ Pearson and Daniel Bostic, Stop the Steal Georgia
  • Congressman Paul Gosar, Arizona
  • Courtney Holland and Megan Barth, Stop the Steal Nevada
  • Cowboys for Trump
  • Ed Martin, Eagle Forum
  • Eric Metaxas, Author
  • Gene Ho, White House Photographer, Author, and Candidate
  • Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots
  • Jason Jones, Hollywood Producer, Author, and Activist
  • Kimberly Fletcher, Moms for America
  • Michael Coudrey, American Entrepreneur, Investor, and Speaker
  • Mike Lindell, My Pillow
  • Rose Tennent, Women for Trump
  • State Rep. Vernon Jones, Georgia
  • Yvonne Florczak-Seeman, POWER- Protection of Women’s Equal Rights

Ed Martin and Stop the Steal have also been promoting a noon rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday, Dec. 8. Stop the Steal activists organized the Nov. 14 rally and march in Washington that brought thousands of conspiracy theorists, members of hate groups and militia groups, and Trump loyalists to the city.

Update: Jericho March's Arina Grossu announced on Kenneth Copeland's show Tuesday that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who has called on Trump to declare martial law rather than admit his defeat, will be speaking on Dec. 12.