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Right-Wing Pundits: Gay Marriage Leads To Collapse, Terrorist Attacks And Hellfire

Religious Right activists aren’t holding back in their response to the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage, with more conservative pundits giving voice to their predictions that the U.S. will now face God’s wrath.

Pastor Scott Lively urged Americans to get ready for divine punishment:

In response to the ruling, Mr. Obama called it an example of “justice that arrives like a thunderbolt.” That phrase turns logic and morality on its head as it relates to official government endorsement of sexual perversion. But I suspect it will eventually, perhaps very soon, be recognized in retrospect as an unwitting prophecy about God’s punishment on America for what she has just done.

I just received an email from my ex-‘gay’ friend Greg Quinlan informing me that today’s “gay marriage” ruling happens to fall on the anniversary of the fall of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Judah in 586BC to Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzer: the ninth day of the fourth month of the Hebrew calendar.

Christian Post columnist Michael Bresciani told readers that God showed him a vision of attacks, economic collapse, natural disasters and crop failures:

I am convinced that this is the beginning of the end for America, and the vision or message will begin very shortly.

What is that vision?

I saw an economic crash much more serious than the stock market crash of 29. It will produce poverty and deep scarcity across our land, the likes of which has never been seen in our history.

Nothing grabs the attention of the distracted faster than the complete removal of all creature comforts and extravagant wealth.

Crops will fail, stores will close and commerce will come almost to a complete stop. It will not be pretty. Add to that, attacks from our enemies and natural disasters rising to meet the pride of the sinners’ right where it hurts the most.

Lee Duigon of the Chalcedon Foundation said the “antichrists” celebrating the court’s decision, which he said will destroy freedom, will go to Hell:

Yesterday was the most shameful day in U.S. history, and America will never live it down.

Abortion did not require a radical makeover of our society, to be made to stick; but mock marriage will not endure unless its proponents can successfully criminalize Christianity, subvert and disable the church, and make mincemeat of our First Amendment.

The nadir, of course, was their ordering all the monuments in Washington lit up with rainbow floodlights–the rainbow, remember, was originally a sign from God–to celebrate active defiance of the word of God. But these antichrists specialize in taking God’s name in vain.

Every one of those persons who celebrated has put his or her soul in danger of damnation. This is open rebellion against God; it will not stand, nor will it prosper.

World Congress of Families spokesman Don Feder compared the court’s ruling to a recent terrorist attack in France:

In France, terrorists left a severed head at the site of an attack on a chemical plant. On Friday, the Supreme Court beheaded its own hostages – the Constitution and Judeo-Christian morality.

The Court’s edict in Obergefell v. Hodges will be used to further the persecution of believers whose conscience will not allow them to go along with the travesty. The “gay marriage” drive has always been about punishing dissidents. That’s why Christian businesses are specifically targeted.

But it’s not the culmination of the revolution. As Antonio Gramsci, the father of Cultural Marxism, wrote in his “Prison Notebooks,” the final stage is the abolition of the family and the church.

Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid believes that as a result of this ruling, which he likened to Pearl Harbor, America will no longer “be able to defend itself against its foreign adversaries and enemies.”

In fact, as the Scalia dissent notes, this decision will live in infamy. It is as if a Pearl Harbor-type attack has been achieved on America’s moral fabric and constitutional foundations.

A country that descends to the bottom of the barrel morally and culturally will not be able to defend itself against its foreign adversaries and enemies. Indeed, we have the evidence all around us that, as the culture has degenerated, our ability to defend ourselves has simultaneously been weakened. The recent Pentagon gay pride event featured a male General introducing his husband, as a transgender Pentagon civilian employee looked on.

Mark Creech of the Christian Action League said that the court’s ruling will bring an end to opposite-sex marriage and America itself, adding that the decision represents “the same kind of tyranny fought against by the American Revolutionaries.”

It is not just religious people who believe in the traditional view of marriage who should be disquieted, but every American concerned about the advent of lawlessness in our culture. In essence, this decision greatly destroys trust in the Judiciary. Two Justices who have been outspoken public activists for gay marriage did not recuse themselves before the High Court. This not only places their participation in violation of the Rules of the Court, but also brings their partiality into question. When Supreme Court Justices essentially shut down the political process on a matter of such fundamental import, when they overrule the will of the people, when they ignore the proper court procedure and set themselves up as the final authority, what is that but the same kind of tyranny fought against by the American Revolutionaries?

It is not likely fire and brimstone will fall on America immediately because of this decision, although God would certainly be justified in doing it. Nevertheless, this national sin is more apt to bring its own punishments overtime. Although many will think it hyperbolic to say, the state sanctioning of gay marriage will eventually destroy traditional marriage. Real marriage (natural) and anti-marriage (same-sex) cannot coexist any more than can matter and anti-matter. Children will suffer from marriage being redefined as a genderless institution that purposely renders either a mother or a father as obsolete to child rearing. Homosexuality will be taught in public sex-education curriculums as normal. It will further stress our Healthcare and Social Security systems by adding hundreds of thousands of new dependents. These issues, plus the constitutional crisis and threat to the democratic process this decision ushers in, may prove to be too much and result in a national collapse beneath the weight of our own sin.