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Right-Wing Pundits Call Gay Rights Advocates 'Rainbowshirts,' 'Terrorists' And 'The New Nazis'

As Brian noted yesterday, anti-gay activists who spent the last week calling for WorldVision's leaders to resign and demanding people pull their contributions from the charity when it briefly decided to recognize its employees’ same-sex spouses, turned on a dime yesterday to attack critics of Mozilla’s new CEO, who had donated to the campaign to overturn marriage equality in California.

A case in point is Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber, who just a few days ago was criticizing WorldVision for falling under Satan’s deception and taking the Mark of the Beast, writes today on BarbWire that criticism of Mozilla’s Brendan Eich means that “the Rainbowshirts are emboldened and they’ve broken out the long knives.”

“Freedom is hanging on by a thread, America, and it is those who worship the sin of Sodom that are determined to finish it off once and for all,” he warns.

Barber’s post even contains a pertinent illustration:

Sadly, many people, even many Christians, think that I and others are using hyperbole when we refer to this sexual anarchist “LGBT” movement as “homofascist” or the “Gaystapo.” I hope you’ll think again. It’s time to wake up and smell the impending anti-Christian persecution. It’s fully at hand.


Do you see what’s happening? Did you read that? That’s fear — deathly fear. Fear of a radical, hateful, intolerant, obnoxious, fascist, evil and power-crazed group of sex-obsessed anarchists who demand that we all affirmatively celebrate their deviant and self-destructive sexual sins and unnatural perversions.

Christians, buckle up. Your whole world is about to change. The Rainbowshirts are emboldened and they’ve broken out the long knives. “Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence” – Psalm 73:6.

They smell blood in the water. I’ve often said that these folks want those who speak Biblical truth about human sexuality and legitimate marriage either 1) dead, 2) imprisoned or, if they can have neither of these, 3) marginalized to the point where they can’t even support their families.

Check No. 3 off the list. I guess they’re working backwards.

Freedom is hanging on by a thread, America, and it is those who worship the sin of Sodom that are determined to finish it off once and for all.

But Barber isn’t the only one who has Hitler on the mind. In a blog post for the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), J.C. von Krempach writes that gay rights advocates are perpetrating “a soft form of terrorism” and have become “the new Nazis.”

“This is exactly how Communism operated. This is exactly how Nazism operated (at the time when it was not yet powerful enough to send its opponents into gas chambers). This is exactly what the Taliban do,” he writes.

Like Barber, Krempach warns that “if we allow the same-sex lobby to continue in this way, it is the era of freedom and democracy that will soon be over.”

It appears that Krempach’s post was deemed a bit too much for C-FAM, which recently came under scrutiny for violent comments from its head Austin Ruse; although the post was emailed to subscribers, it has since removed from the organization’s blog. C-FAM’s Susan Yoshihara writes in a follow-up post that Krempach’s rant “did not conform to the high standards of civil discourse that our readers should expect."

The emphasis is Krempach's:

Now, five years later, the same-sex-mafia goes after those who at the time have, in a perfectly legitimate, civilized, and democratic way stood up for marriage. The movement that has built all its political success upon whining about perceived discriminations, and on asking that society should become more "tolerant", "open", etc. turns out to be the most bigoted, intolerant, irrational, hate-driven, spiteful, and narrow-minded of all social groups. They are unfit for democracy, unfit for dialogue, incapable to base their opinions and claims on any rational argument; this is why their modus operandi consist of nothing else than bullying and, increasingly, of a soft form of terrorism.

It is time for the rest of us to wake up. Tolerating the same-sex movement has been a very bad idea. You cannot tolerate what undermines democracy and ultimately destroys society. The same-sex lobby are the new Nazis.

Their strategy consists simply in intimidating possible opponents. The vicious campaign against Brendan Eich is ultimately directed not only against him, but it sends a message to anybody who has not yet submitted to the dogma of same-sex bigotry: we will go after you, and we will destroy you. So you better do not dare express your true opinion on same-sex "marriage".

This is exactly how Communism operated. This is exactly how Nazism operated (at the time when it was not yet powerful enough to send its opponents into gas chambers). This is exactly what the Taliban do.

The gay and lesbian Ku-Klux-Klan does not want rational argument, because it is well aware that on the battlefield of rational thought they would never be able to prevail.

If society finds the means to defend free speech and democracy, the same-sex "marriage" movement will break down within five minutes. But if we allow the same-sex lobby to continue in this way, it is the era of freedom and democracy that will soon be over.