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Right-Wing Pundit: Obama Created Middle East Crisis In Order to 'Inundate This Country With Radicals'

Joe Miller, the one-time Republican nominee for Senate from Alaska who now hosts a right-wing radio program, invited pastor Carl Gallups to his program recently to discuss the war in Syria and the resulting refugee crisis, which Gallups said was all part of President Obama’s plan to bring “millions of Muslim refugees” to the U.S. in order to either allow Democrats to “stay in office forever” or to bring about a “Muslim overthrow of the United States.”

Miller asked Gallups if in fact “this was the plan all along, to create conflict in the Middle East, have a refugee crisis and inundate this country with radicals.”

Gallups recalled that Avi Lipkin, a conservative activist and the source of many right-wing conspiracy theories, told him when Obama was first running for office that “the Arabs are predicting that deep into Obama’s term in office that he will, quote, create a crisis in the Middle East, which will then create a surge in Islamic terrorism, which will create a Muslim refugee crisis.”

This, Gallups recalled Lipkin saying, would lead to “an influx of many millions of Muslim refugees into the United States, which “Muslims will use it as a Trojan horse vehicle for getting terrorists into an on American soil.”

Lipikin has also passed this theory to End Times radio host and conspiracy theory enthusiast Rick Wiles, who Cmd+Click or tap to follow the link"> shared it on his radio program earlier this week.

Lipkin’s intelligence is so reliable that in 2012 he predicted that President Obama would “bring in 50 to 100 million” Muslims to America so that “America will be Muslim by 2016." So far, since the civil war in Syria began, the U.S. has taken in only about 2,000 Syrian refugees.

Later in the conversation, Miller and Gallups discussed what Obama’s motive might be for this grand conspiracy.

Miller asked why the U.S. wouldn’t demand that all Syrian refugees stay in Turkey — which is already housing at least 1.7 million refugees from the conflict — “unless you’ve got some sort of ulterior motive, in other words, maybe the Trojan horse or maybe some political motive.”

“I mean, the Democrats, the left, are always looking for some way to broaden their coalition,” he said, “and they’ve looked toward, you know, illegals before, now maybe they’re looking toward Muslims.”

Gallups replied that this political sheme is “a huge part of it,” but that there could be even more sinister motives.

“You can go pretty deep in this conspiracy theory if you want,” he said, “you could go all the way down to a Muslim overthrow of the United States ushered in by Muslim sympathizers, or you can just back it up a few notches and say what you just said, which we know for a fact, we’ve heard various political operatives admit they are attempting to use the broken border or the created broken border situation to bolster the rolls of the Democrat voters. They want to be able to stay in office forever in a, quote, legal way. It’s a drummed-up illegal legal way, but that is a plan, we know that. So certainly this feeds directly into that if, in fact, it’s not something even more sinister than that, Joe.”