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Right-Wing Pundit: Muslim Refugees Are 'Human Garbage'

WorldNetDaily pundit Erik Rush is no stranger to making genocidal statements about Muslims, so it was no surprise to see him refer to Muslim refugees as “human garbage” and “a demonstrable threat to public health and public safety” in a column yesterday.

After kicking off his weekly WorldNetDaily column, titled “Islam: A Treatable Malignancy,” by saying that ISIS is “Barack Hussein’s Obama’s mercenary army,” Rush accused the president of “inundating America with Muslims” as just “one component in his grand plan of sabotage” against America.

He wrote that people should try to “neutralize this threat with every means at their disposal,” claiming that all Muslims, including children, are a danger to society and should be stripped of their First Amendment rights.

“Muslims — all Muslims — have repeatedly proved that they represent a societal malignancy,” Rush wrote, “they will always perform as a body of enemy operatives, insidiously and incrementally worming their way into non-Muslim nations with the express intention of undermining and conquering them. Every individual has a part to play in this tragic comedy, from the helpless baby to the trained combatant.”

Although average American news viewers remain blissfully ignorant of this, Europeans have been turning out by the thousands in protest of their governments’ intention to throw the doors open wide to innumerable Muslim refugees from regions in which Barack Hussein Obama’s mercenary army (otherwise known as ISIS or Islamic State) and other militant Islamists have made life as they know it untenable.

The ire of these distressed Europeans is certainly not for a lack of tolerance. They have already been subjected to exponentially more tribulation than have Americans as a result of the human garbage with which their politically correct socialist overlords have saddled them over the last 30 years. These new refugees have already proved to be a demonstrable threat to public health and public safety, and have touched off several particularly violent riots.

Regular readers will take it as given that Barack Hussein Obama’s design of inundating America with Muslims is but one component in his grand plan of sabotage, and that he is also doing the bidding of malignant globalist interests that have long wished to see America brought low.

Regardless of what history’s disposition concerning Obama, his co-conspirators and the Washington corruptocrats we know so well will ultimately be, the most expeditious manner in which America can counter the Islamist threat is through grass-roots efforts that serve to enlighten Americans as to the incompatibility of Islam with our society and the immediate danger it represents. Having accomplished that, it will be far easier for us to collectively acknowledge that Islam is not a religion, but a pernicious political system with a religious component. Thus, its adherents will find themselves bereft of the First Amendment protections they and their brainwashed advocates are opportunistically exploiting to compromise American society.

Given the spirit of inclusion America has always exhibited (human imperfections aside), of course it will be difficult for many of our citizens to consign an entire class of people to the status of persona non grata. For the past 1,400 years however, Muslims – all Muslims – have repeatedly proved that they represent a societal malignancy; they will always perform as a body of enemy operatives, insidiously and incrementally worming their way into non-Muslim nations with the express intention of undermining and conquering them. Every individual has a part to play in this tragic comedy, from the helpless baby to the trained combatant.

When the Muslim population finds its numbers sufficient, for the non-Muslim it’s either conversion, death, or an indentured status. Prior to such a time, it is the duty of non-Muslims to take up the mantle of “infidel” with pride and neutralize this threat with every means at their disposal.