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Right-Wing Pundit: LGBT Rights The Satanic Successor To Nazi Germany

Renew America columnist Sylvia Thompson warned yesterday that if the Supreme Court strikes down state bans on same-sex marriage, all Christians will be treated like “de facto criminals” which will further “the persecution of Christians in America.”

Such a ruling, according to Thompson, “will be purely a lawless decision aimed at the destruction of Judeo-Christianity, because its truths are the only impediment to the rampant hedonism that is the homosexual movement.”

She added that the LGBT rights movement is simply another part of “Satan’s game plan” to attack Christians: “Hitler's Nazis did it, Stalin's communists did it, and Islam's faithful are doing it to this day. Persecuting Christians.”

In a few months, five god-wannabes on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will issue an edict that enshrines homosexual sodomy into American law. There is the possibility that sanity and decency will reign and the Justices will take a lesson from the abortion ruling of some forty years ago – a ruling that tarnished the soul of America and is still being protested to this day. Given the rotted state of American culture and the deeply flawed occupants of the current court, that possibility is slim. What remains to be seen is if biblical Christians will bow to this travesty against Almighty God as they did to the killing of the unborn.

Unlike the abortion ruling that targeted only those involved directly or indirectly with women's health, criminalizing an opposition to sodomy (which a ruling to force homosexual marriage upon the states would effectively do) affects all biblical Christians. This ruling would render us de facto criminals, unable to uphold that law. We cannot accept homosexual behavior or any other sexual behaviors condemned by God, including adultery, fornication, incest or bestiality.

Although it is destined to get worse, the persecution of Christians in America has already begun. Homosexual activists have targeted many individuals and businesses solely because they are Christian. Steadfast Christians such as J. Matt Barber and Peter LaBarbara of AFTAH (Americans for Truth about Homosexuality), among others, have chronicled many such accounts. Christians are being dragged through the legal system by homosexuals riding the wave of immoral filth that Barack Obama and others of his ilk have visited upon the country.

This ruling, if rendered, will be purely a lawless decision aimed at the destruction of Judeo-Christianity, because its truths are the only impediment to the rampant hedonism that is the homosexual movement. Criminalizing Christianity in America paves the way for unbridled persecution of Christians under law. Throughout the ages, Satan's game plan has not changed. Hitler's Nazis did it, Stalin's communists did it, and Islam's faithful are doing it to this day. Persecuting Christians.