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Right-Wing Pastor: Satan Is Staging A 'Homosexual Invasion' From The White House

In a sermon on “the deception of the homosexual agenda” at last month’s “Summer of Justice” event in Wichita, Kansas, Bishop Otis Kenner of Louisiana declared that Satan is staging a “homosexual invasion” to stop God from taking dominion over the earth and that the “devil” in the White House is in on it.

Kenner, who also addressed the crowd on the evils of suffragist Susan B. Anthony and women in the workplace, declared that Satan has “devised a system” using gay people to stop God’s “colonization of the earth realm” through procreation.

“Because the homosexuals know that they cannot procreate, so they take our innocent sons and daughters through adoption … to try to stop the colonization of God in the earth realm,” he said. He then spoke as Satan: “‘If I can get into their minds, if I can get into their spirit, then I can break the process of God, stop the procreation process of God and the colonization of the earth realm and make more just like them.’ It’s about them colonizing the earth with their own kind.”

“In 2008, I preached a sermon called ‘Homosexual Invasion,’” he said. “God has showed me this in 2008 how the homosexuals were going to invade our country because they want to stop the colonization of God in the earth realm.”

Kenner later addressed the lighting of the White House in rainbow colors on the evening of the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which struck down state-level bans on marriage equality.

Noting that the decision was handed down on June 26 of last year, he pointed out that the date included “two sixes, which means 666, the Mark of the Beast.”

“They legitimize same-sex marriages and they light the White House up with the gay pride colors to signify Satan is sitting at the seat of power,” he said.

“Will you vote for the devil because he showed up black?” Kenner said he had asked his congregation, clarifying that he wasn’t calling President Obama the devil, just that “what he did was the devil.”

This, he said, was all reason for Christians to “interpose” against LGBT rights laws and declare that “we will not allow a transgender bathroom in our schools.”