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Right-Wing Pastor Robert Henderson to Hold Election Prayer Rally to Prevent the 'Antichrist Spirit' from Defeating Trump

Right-wing pastor Robert Henderson, who claims to have secured President Donald Trump's 2016 victory by beseeching “the courts of Heaven” and asserts that he has been called by God to serve as Trump’s spiritual running mate in 2020, announced Friday that he will be hosting a prayer event at his church in Waco, Texas, in October aimed at preventing the "Antichrist spirit" from defeating Trump in the November election.

Entitled "Contending For the Destiny Of America: Election 2020," Henderson declared during his Friday night church service that he hopes the event will bring together representatives from all 50 states who will then collectively call on the courts of Heaven to "dismantle and remove any hindrance to what God wants to do in this election."

"In this presidential year, in this presidential election, in the presidency, in the Senate, in the House, on every level we want to move out of the way every legal claim the enemy would have that would allow something other than the will of God to take place," he declared. "God gave me a dream that I was supposed to run in the spirit with issues and things, I was supposed to run in the spirit until everything was set legally in order for what God wants to happen in this election to occur. Now one time, we were praying and we were asking for God to remove some people from their seat and one of my sons suddenly had an awareness, a revelation, a vision that we could not remove the people from their seat because those seats had been given to principalities and powers, and they had put in those seats who they wanted."

"We've got to go into the court of Heaven and we have to take back those seats," Henderson continued. "We have to take back those seats from the powers of darkness so that the ones God wants in those seats can actually take their position. It is very, very, very essential that you and I come together in Waco, Texas, Oct. 8 and 9 and be a part of this."

"We need to bring the threats of the Antichrist spirit before the courts of Heaven," he added. "In this election year, we need to bring what they are proposing to do and present it in the courts of Heaven and say, 'Lord, this is what they are saying. These are their threats. They are saying this is what they will do in culture. We are asking you, Lord, right now for judgments against them and the Antichrist spirit they are representing in the Earth.' ... I refuse to give our society, I refuse to give our culture over to the mandates and the dictates of the spirit of Antichrist. We say, 'Lord, behold their threats, behold what they intend to do. Lord, I am asking that you would arise and defend your purposes and your people that are in the Earth today.'"