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Right Wing Leftovers - 7/30/13

  • Gary Glenn, the anti-gay president of the American Family Association of Michigan, is


    for a seat in the state


  • Speaking of the AFA, Mike Huckabee will be
  • speaking at their annual retreat in October.

  • "Ex-gay" activists will
  • href="

    protections#.UfgqWD9dDR9">be in to Washington, DC tomorrow to meet with members of Congress and "demand equal rights as ex-


  • Gabriel Gomez, the Massachusetts Republicans who lost last month’s special Senate
  • election,

    organization/3E7XyjCICNp4N0cS4xFaQL/story.html">will join the board of directors of GOProud.

  • Finally,
  • the Louisiana sheriff who has been arresting gay men on charges of violating the state's anti-sodomy statute

    href="">has apologized ... now that

    he has realized the arrests were unconstitutional.