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Right Wing Leftovers - 7/1/13

  • Despite Tony Perkins’ claim that the tide has turned against gay rights, a USA Today poll released today found that 55% of Americans back marriage equality. 
  • Meanwhile, Rep. Tim Huelskamp has officially reintroduced the Federal Marriage Amendment. 
  • Concerned Women for America warns that if gay marriage becomes legal then “the meaning of those sacred [marriage] vows are [sic] no longer there.” 
  • Matt Barber says he is prepared to go to jail or die to fight gay rights. 
  • James Robison fears that “quoting the Bible concerning homosexuality could soon be illegal.” 
  • Judy Brown of the American Life League claims contraception, abortion rights and gay marriage are all part a growing “tide of indescribable evil.” 
  • Oliver North is worried that “the military being used as lab rats in a radical series of social experiments on the part of this administration.” 
  • The Media Research Center’s Dan Gainor thinks children are “abused” by the New Yorker’s Bert & Ernie cover.