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Right Wing Leftovers

  • The American Center for Law and Justice has managed to pressure the Connecticut Department of Children and Families into taking down part of its web site describing a program to train care givers on the needs of gay young people.
  • Michael Steele knows what it takes to win more African American converts to the GOP: collard greens, fried chicken, and potato salad.
  • The Washington Post profiles Randall Terry.  The article is pretty informative and entertaining so you should be sure to read it.
  • For the record, I would just like to note that Janet Porter's Faith 2 Action website has an entire section dedicated to the issue of Barack Obama's birth certificate and citizenship.
  • MassResistance continues to allege that Google is "blocking" its blog.
  • The Right keeps trotting out its standard hate crimes lies in order to oppose anti-bullying legislation.
  • It is worth noting that Alveda King is asserting that her uncle, Martin Luther King Jr., was not a Republican, in contrast to various right-wing claims that he was:
  • “Martin Luther King Jr. was not a Republican or Democrat,” said Alveda King, who was previously elected to the Georgia House as a Democrat, but later appointed to state and federal commissions by Republicans. “But everybody uses Martin Luther King Jr.’s name for their own benefit.”