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Right Wing Leftovers - 4/24/14

  • Cliven Bundy cannot be a racist because,

    quote-out-of-context/">his son says

    , "two vehicles full of black men" protected him during the Watts Riots in

    1965 and "he felt that they were his guardian angels."

  • After having repeatedly
  • declared that Bundy was a Godly man of prayer, Glenn Beck has now

    cannot-tolerate-this-beck-warns-audience-over-nevada-ranchers-racist-remarks/">abandoned him completely.

  • Bryan Fischer, on the other hand, is predictably defending

    Bundy's racist remarks.

  • April 30 is the
  • href="">National Day of Repentance.

  • Gary
  • Bauer

    issue#.U1l89lcy3-J">says there is a "misinformation campaign waged by media elites" designed to isolate those who

    oppose marriage equality.

  • The Pacific Justice Institute
  • href="">is

    asking the Supreme Court to agree to hear its lawsuit against California's prohibition on using "ex-gay"

    therapy on minors.