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Right Wing Leftovers - 4/11/14

  • Peter LaBarbera was initially prohibited from entering Canada on his way to deliver a speech to an anti-abortion group, but the decision was later reversed and he was allowed to enter.
  • Mike Huckabee warns that social conservatives will abandon the GOP if the party ignores social issues.  Blah, blah, blah. We've literally been hearing this threat from them for twenty years.
  • Bryan Fischer proclaims that the Nevada rancher locked in a showdown with the federal government "is the most law-abiding citizens that you're ever going to meet." It must be nice to be able to host a daily radio talk show where you are not expected to have any idea what you are talking about.
  • Three parent embryos are being raised on Capitol Hill? How does that work?
  • Finally, Operation American Spring has sent Congress "copies of documents demanding the resignations of six, top government officials, including Articles of Impeachment against President Obama, for violating their oath of office, and/or by committing high crimes against the state, and requiring Congress to enforce the demands, or be held accountable."