- According to the new Coral Ridge Ministries "documentary" on socialism, the whole country is going to end up like Detroit if President Obama has his way.
- National Association of Evangelicals has announced its willingness to partner with groups that offer contraceptive services and other programs aimed at reducing the number of abortions.
- The ACLJ is demanding that the Department of Justice allow volunteers to erect a replacement cross Mojave Desert World War I memorial.
- Mike Huckabee is taking his Fox News show to Las Vegas.
- Liberty Counsel says Dont' Ask, Don't Tell must be retained because "the military should not be used as a pawn to promote a political agenda, nor should it be used for a social experiment to deconstruct the family." Huh?
- I continue to be amazed by rigorous logic displayed by the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer.
- Finally, the quote of the day from Maggie Gallagher: "Sarah Palin had me at the word 'Trig.'"