- Pat Mahoney declares victory in his protest against the DC city government and Planned Parenthood.
- I think it is hilarious that Rick Santorum is seriously contemplating running for president.
- Carly Fiorina says she opposes efforts to alter the 14th Amendment to remove birthright citizenship.
- FRC and CWA don't like the new birth control pill. What else is new?
- A bunch of right-wing bloggers have chosen "the 25 worst figures in American history." Number 1 is Jimmy Carter, who is apparently worse than Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and John Wayne Gacy combined, since they didn't even make the list.
- Finally, quote of the day from Bryan Fischer: "[S]ecular fundamentalists are easy on Islam for the simple reason that they share with Islamic fundamentalists a deep and abiding hatred for America and its traditions and values."