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Right Wing Leftovers - 3/11/14

  • A new poll shows that "sixty-one percent of Republican-leaning adults ages 18-29 say they favor" gay marriage, which ought to make Matt Barber's really start considering a third party.
  • Ben Carson warns that gun registration might lead to martial law.
  • Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, says Rick Santorum should not to make another run for president: "He has some conservative followers, but I don't think he's got enough to make an impact when it comes to running for president. I think if he wants to have a real track record of seeing conservatives have a chance at the White House, he just needs to stay out of the race."
  • Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline is petitioning the Supreme Court to review and overturn a Kansas Supreme Court decision suspending his law license.
  • Frank Gaffney declares that "it’s long been clear that, under the Obama administration, America has switched sides in the War for the Free World."
  • Finally, in defending Arizona's proposed discrimination law, Richard Land says he does not support laws such as those passed in Uganda because "separation of church and state means among other things that the church should not use the coercive powers of the state to penalize consensual infractions it considers immoral."