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Right Wing Leftovers - 2/4/14

  • For just $25, Rick Santorum will

    "add your name to the copy of the U.S. Constitution that we’ll send President Obama."

  • Dennis Prager says "Leftism is

    a religion. It even has a Bible - the editorial page of your newspaper (The New York Times)."

  • On
  • his radio show today, Glenn Beck spent an hour talking

    with Ted Cruz as well as another segment

    content_id=31337283">interviewing Greg Abbot.

  • Janet Parshall
  • href="">says the recent Grammy awards proves

    that America has embraced the morals of ancient Rome.

  • Bryan Fischer is a conservative
  • href="">because "liberalism kills children."

  • Finally, Jim Garrow

    story_fbid=10151867871947015&id=390503827632449&stream_ref=10">hopes that people who have been dismissed from the

    military will take advantage of "having been loosened from the constraints of obedience to a master [and] serve the nation in a

    new way, recognizing that the fight against a domestic enemy takes on the aspects of a guerrilla war."