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Right Wing Leftovers - 2/3/14

  • Nothing make the Right rally around someone they hate faster than seeing that person "attacked" by the media, which explains why Chris Christie has suddenly been invited to speak at CPAC after being snubbed in previous years.
  • Glenn Beck seems to think that the late Ken Hutcherson was somehow responsible for the Seattle Seahawks' Super Bowl victory.
  • Rick Green is not happy about a lesbian couple appearing on the show "Good Luck Charlie": "We should be loving people by telling them the truth and helping them find healthy relationships and lifestyles, not deceiving another generation with images that misrepresent a lifestyle. Disney now joins the political agenda that puts a pretty face on the sexual deviancy of our culture."
  • Peter LaBarbera says gay activists are trying to "co-opt Christianity" by "fooling Christians into believing that gay rights is consistent with biblical Christianity."
  • It is nice to see Pamela Geller branch out from her Muslim-bashing into transgender-bashing.
  • Finally, Larry Klayman did not like the recent State of the Union Address: "Last Tuesday, fraudulently elected President Barack Hussein Obama treated the American people to yet another empty and frightening speech. Not even eligible to be standing on the podium addressing a joint session of Congress for the State of the Union Address – as Obama is not a natural born citizen, as required by the Constitution, sired in the United States by two citizen parents – the socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and anti-white, anti-Israeli, Muslim-sympathizer-in-chief spewed forth a masterful performance, all the while ignoring the cancer that has metastasized in his administration – a cancer that threatens the continued existence of our severely wounded nation."