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Right Wing Leftovers - 2/19/13

  • Richard Viguerie is offering $10,000 to anyone who can come up with a workable plan for the Right to take control of the Republican Party.
  • She may have been dumped by Fox News, but apparently CPAC thinks Sarah Palin is still a draw.
  • Mississippi has finally gotten around to ratifying the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery just 148 years after it became law.
  • For a mere $1250, you can get VIP tickets to Glenn Beck's revolutionary 4th of July production of "The Man In The Moon."
  • Matt Barber says "the Obama administration is moronic" but insists that "this is not an insult."
  • Robert Knight says public schools teach students "just enough English and math to pass standardized tests, while force-feeding them a secular, progressive mindset that views American capitalism as a world problem and more government as the solution."
  • Finally, yet another historian demonstrates that David Barton work is riddled with misrepresentations.