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Right Wing Leftovers - 1/28/13

  • It is easy to understand why David French is buddies with David Barton based on pieces like this about how God wants you to own guns.
  • Maybe the media doesn't give more coverage to the March for Life because the same thing happens every year
  • Kevin McCullough says that allowing women to serve in combat is just the latest step in the "pansi-fication and weakening of our nation."
  • And Terri Stovall, dean of women's programs and associate professor of women's ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, says that letting women serve in combat distorts gender roles as established by God and "therefore distorts the picture of the Gospel."
  • Why Liberty Counsel insists on identifyng itself with violent right-wing movements is beyond us.
  • The World Congress of Families has named Janice Shaw Crouse its Natural Family Woman of the Year.
  • Finally, black anti-choice groups are going to protest the NAACP Image Awards becuase "Racist elitists no longer need the Ku Klux Klan to control blacks; they have Planned Parenthood. And Planned Parenthood has the NAACP on a leash."