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Right Wing Leftovers - 12/4/13

  • We are looking forward to Religious Right anti-gay activists start screaming about how God will destroy Israel now that its president has endorsed gay marriage.
  • Speaking of Israel, Liberty Counsel is inviting you to travel there with the organization next May.
  • Michael Youssef is calling on President Obama to repent: "Publicly show God, the nation, and the world that you are truly sorry. First show your repentance to God, who sees the secrets of the heart. Then go to the people who voted for you and ultimately to the whole nation and world. And remember back in our recent history to another president who claimed to be a Christian and yet refused to publicly repent and tell the truth. Remember President Nixon and what happened to him."
  • It ought to be really enlightening when one of Glenn Beck's employees gets to interview him for an hour on CNN.
  • "Coach" Dave Daubenmire says "intolerance is a beautiful thing."
  • Finally, Judson Phillips declares that "it’s time to question President Obama’s patriotism."