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Right Wing Leftovers - 12/11/12


  • Eastern Michigan University has settled a lawsuit filed by a former student who was dismissed from the school's counseling program for refusing to provide counseling to gay clients.
  • Twitchy might literally be the most pathetic website we've ever seen.
  • Jennifer Roback Morse says there is no "war on women" ... but there is a "war on women's fertility."
  • Finally, Roger Schlafly explains why President Obama won re-election: "Non-whites, non-Christians, and non-marrieds vote Democrat out of group identifications. That is, they see it as being in their group interests to tear down traditional American culture. Democrats never persuade voters based on reason or logic. They gain voters by increasing government dependence and by promoting changes to immigration policy, family law, and schools that increase the population wanting to undermine Americanism."