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Right Wing Leftovers - 11/28/12

  • Gary Bauer says "Governor-elect Mike Pence of Indiana was a favorite choice at a recent meeting of conservative leaders and activists" for the GOP presidential nominee in 2016.
  • Is Red State's Erick Erickson really mulling a primary challenge to Sen. Saxby Chambliss?  Does he really not realize that he has a long, documented history of saying crazy things on the internet? 
  • Mat Staver dismisses all those conservative poseurs who now support immigration reform, because he supported it way before it was cool! 
  • Peter Sprigg tries to argue that the recent election wins for marriage equality "provide evidence that a solid majority of Americans nationwide still opposes same-sex marriage."
  • Janet Porter is not giving up on her "Heartbeat Bill."
  • Gary Cass is angry again: "Barack Obama has continually mocked and ridiculed the very teachings and values of Scripture. He’s used Scripture to condone behavior that is outright unbiblical. He denies the exclusivity of Christ and the need for Christ’s atoning blood. And now Obama’s followers tout him as their savior!"
  • The Family Research Council hails Uganda: "Thank God for leaders who stand boldly for Jesus, understand the curse of sin, and know God and His blessing are a nation's greatest possession. May God raise up such leaders in America and every nation!"
  • Finally, Bryan Fischer says the "war on Christmas" is really a war on Christ: