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Right Wing Leftovers - 11/18/13

  • Once again, David Barton insists that the Constitution is

    filled with quotes out of the Bible.

  • The World Congress of Families is
  • href="">not happy about having its meeting kicked out of the Dirksen Senate

    Office Building

    boehner">last week.

  • Quote of the day from Sen. Ted
  • Cruz: "God bless James O'Keefe."

  • Will Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell
  • href="">become the president of his alma

    mater, Pat Robertson's Regent University, upon leaving office?

  • Finally, good luck trying to understand
  • "Coach" Dave Daubenmire's position on bullying in his latest

    video, which seems to be that bullying of adults doesn't exist, especially in football ... which it, itself, a form of organized

    bullying, which is why anti-bullying advocates are trying to eliminate it.