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Right Wing Leftovers - 10/18/13

  • Jim Bob Duggar


    there is "a sleeping giant which is the Christian

    Conservative" that will propel Ken Cuccinelli to victory in Virginia.

  • Questions are
  • href="

    acquaintances/2013/10/17/05cc84e4-3690-11e3-ae46-e4248e75c8ea_story.html">being raised about the veracity of E.W. Jackson's

    claims of deprivation as a child.

  • "Ex-gay" activist Christopher Doyle
  • href="">says he will file a lawsuit

    if universities in Virginia do not start offering "ex-gay" therapy on campus.

  • FRC
  • href="">prays

    against supposed anti-Christian bigotry in the military: "May God intervene to stop this trend which began in earnest with the

    overturn of Don't Ask Don't Tell, and has accelerated rapidly since. May He help AFA, FRC and all who are working to stop this


  • Bryan Fischer finds a silver
  • lining in the GOP's disastrous attempt to shutdown the government: "The conservative army now has a general [Ted

    Cruz], 160 lieutenants in Congress, and an infantry of millions of patriotic citizens all across the fruited plain."

  • Finally, Gary Cass analyzes the GOP's failed
  • shutdown: "Progressives have won the day because of their unrelenting 100-year campaign to turn America into a socialist slave

    state. They have accomplished this by taking over the media, education and even parts of the church. The good news is because socialism

    is built on lies it never works. The rollout of Obama-care is a chilling example of gross, governmental incompetence. But, people will

    suffer and even die because of Obama-care and we are all compelled to subsidize it."