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Right-Wing Lays Out Agenda for GOP Leaders, Calls For "Restoring Traditional Moral Values"

A large coalition of right-wing leaders have signed on to a letter addressed to Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Haley Barbour calling on the GOP to focus on a core set of principles as it moves forward with setting its agenda:

Dear Senator McConnell, Representative Boehner, and Governor Barbour:

On behalf of conservatives from across America we write to you on the occasion of this tremendous Republican victory to express our support, as well as our expectation that this victory will be used to restore the principles of limited, constitutional government.

We are united in strongly urging you, for the sake of our nation and its future, to go before the American people jointly and present a unified vision of what this Republican victory will stand for grounded upon these principles:

• A commitment to restoring free enterprise and implementing tax and spending reduction, deregulation, and other policies that promote economic growth and prosperity.

• A commitment to protect individual liberty by reducing the size and scope of the Federal government and to reducing government spending to only those functions entrusted to it in our great constitution.

• A commitment to restoring traditional moral values by passing laws that recognize the sanctity of life, promote rather than penalize traditional marriage and the family, and respect freedom of religion.

• A commitment to rebuilding our nation’s military and establishing a foreign policy grounded upon America’s national interest, rewarding our allies, and removing threats to freedom and security from abroad.

Among those who have added their names to this letter [PDF] are:

Edwin Meese
Brent Bozell
Alfred Regnery
Tony Perkins
Wendy Wright
Herman Cain
Gary Cass
Jerome Corsi
Elaine Donnelly
Ernest Istook
Jim Garlow
Alveda King
Tim & Beverly LaHaye
Tom Minnery
Kelly Shackelford
Penny Nance
Phyllis Schlafly
Richard A. Viguerie
Mat & Anita Staver