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Right-Wing Group: LGBT-Inclusive Schools Are 'Abusive Of Children'

When he’s not bravely stopping terrorist attacks, warning of a nonexistent ISIS base in Mexico or coming up with new Benghazi conspiracy theories, Tom Fitton of the conservative group Judicial Watch is fighting LGBT nondiscrimination measures in public schools.

Fitton spoke to Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on yesterday’s edition of “Washington Watch” about the Fairfax County, Virginia, school board’s recent decision to add protections for gender identity to its nondiscrimination policy, a move which triggered a right-wing backlash, one joined by Fitton.

“I don’t know about you and I’m sure parents out there listening here agree, they don’t want their children in classrooms where kids are being messed with by having teachers call a child by the wrong gender,” Fitton said. “It’s abusive of the children. Assuming they have a true psychological issue, body dysphoria or dysmorphia, whatever you’d like to call it, as a result the whole school gets changed and everything gets turned up on its head, it’s an abuse of the child and an abuse of the other children who are being confused and traumatized by having this confusion enter their classrooms.”

Perkins added that the policy “borderlines on insanity if it has not already crossed over the border.”

“Where are the rights of those children and those parents who want their children not to be threatened and traumatized by these children who are being misused and abused by these adults who have another agenda?” Fitton asked.

Later in the program, Perkins said that public schools have become “hostile to biblical morality and I would say common sense” and are now “putting our children, I think in some cases, physical risk and certainly in spiritual risk.”