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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: We Demand More Asbestos!

Bonus Tracks
  • Josh Bernstein insists that the answer to solving the issue of gun violence and mass shootings is "more guns."
  • E.W. Jackson declares his support for rounding up every undocumented immigrant in America and deporting them.
  • NewsBusters comes to the defense of Soph, a teenage YouTuber who recently had her account terminated, insisting that she is being censored for "poking fun at topics such as radical Islam, climate change, and pedophilia among Hollywood elites." Kill us killjoys, but saying things like, "Kill yourself, faggot," is hardly "poking fun."
  • After announcing that he would be moving to Washington, D.C., to gain better access to lawmakers, Bill Mitchell has discovered that D.C. is too expensive and will be moving to Miami instead.
  • Finally, Wanda Alger delivers a prophecy from God about President Trump: "Do not question the Potter as to the clay He chooses to mold and shape. I have placed this one as a David, for he is a man of war. Not a man to bring war or cause war, but a man who is not afraid to war against those who oppose Me in the high places of darkness and deception."