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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Violent, Disgusting People

Bonus Tracks
  • Dave Daubenmire is very fired up about suing the NFL over the Super Bowl halftime show: "The NFL pumped porn into our homes. They didn’t tell us that they were going to do it. They put no warning on the screen before J-Lo started her strip-club act. The consciences of millions of innocent children were violated without warning. We turned in to watch the pig skin and as a bonus got a trip to the pig pen. They violated the sanctity of our homes without our approval."
  • Shane Idleman tells pastors that they must do everything they can to ensure the reelection of President Donald Trump: "Amid voter fraud, ballot harvesting and media giants railing against Trump, only a sovereign act of God can bring about a re-election. Also be sure that every trick in the book will be unleashed, from sandbagging to illegal voting."
  • Chris McDonald says that viewers who get upset when he or one of his guests use swear words are engaging in "religious bigotry."
  • Glenn Beck is very impressed with the way in which Trump has "grown into" the presidency.
  • Finally, Josh Bernstein asserts that people who support presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders "are vicious criminals, they are violent, disgusting people."