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Under Attack By The Matrix

Bonus Tracks
  • John Amanchukwu claims that "if you are pro-abortion, you are also pro-racism" and that "white liberals have always sought to destroy Blacks."
  • Ali Alexander has some thoughts: "The world would be a kinder place if millions of Jews gave up their WWII created religion Holocaustism."
  • Lucas Gage asserts that "being attacked by the jew means you are actually an honorable and righteous human being. Being praised by the jew makes you the exact opposite."
  • David Lane declares that "sitting out this election is paramount to empowering pro-abortion radicals and those who hate God to elect their representatives, who then draft and pass profane legislation, and, by that, codify into law their godless values; hence it amounts to out-and-out foolhardiness."
  • Liz Crokin seems to be going through some stuff: "I’m under attack by The Matrix."
  • Finally, religious-right activist Janet Porter made a sitcom that includes an episode that is literally about voting for Trump. It is unspeakably awful.
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