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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Trump's Brilliant Insult

Bonus Tracks
  • Dave Daubenmire thinks that President Trump calling Stormy Daniels "horseface" was a stroke of genius.
  • Intercessors for America explains why conservative Christians can support Trump: "Even as we continue to pray that our elected officials would have a life-changing encounter with Christ that influences their role, this is not a qualifying factor for them to lead effectively. Throughout history, God has used leaders who may not have known Him as well as those who do. We must continue to pray for our current president and those who govern this land. Where their personal behavior or conduct may seem to be lacking by Christian standards, we can still rest our faith in God’s ability and intent to use them for our good and for His glory."
  • For some reason, Gordon Klingenschmitt thinks that churches and Christian ministries should be exempt from paying stormwater fees.
  • Julio Severo is not happy that Trump has nominated a gay judge to the Ninth Circuit: "Support of sodomy is something very serious. It destroyed a whole society, Sodom. In fact, sodomy has already undermined the institution of marriage in the United States, and its current president is willing to do nothing to reverse the gay subversion of marriage."
  • Finally, the Family Research Council prays for the midterm elections: "God, as we draw near Election Day, please guide all Americans, but especially your people, to vote for men and women who will lead our cities, counties, states, and nation in a way that is pleasing to you and that will bring blessing to Your people, our nation, and all the nations. May we be found worthy for you to raise up godly men and women who will honor you in public office, and to prevent those who will disregard you and your laws from gaining power in any level of government. For Lord, you are our judge, you are our lawgiver, you are our king; it is you who will save us! "