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Too Empathetic and Kind

Bonus Tracks
  • Mike Lindell insists that the $14.88 sale price for his product was just a coincidence and not a Nazi dog whistle. Of course, Lindell's defense might be more believable if his company didn't have a history of teaming up with people like antisemitic white nationalist Holocaust-denier Vincent James.
  • Speaking of James, last week he was flown to Virginia to appear on Tim Pool's podcast and spent six hours just sitting in his hotel because he was afraid that "some Blacks" might start fighting, or shooting, or stabbing. Then, to top it all off, Pool canceled James' appearance.
  • Ali Alexander says that people sent him unsolicited nudes in order to "entrap" him so they could accuse him being a predator. That, of course, is not at all what Alexander admitted when his scandal broke last year.
  • Joshua Feuerstein claims that Trump's campaign called him up because Trump wants a photo-op with "influential leaders" like him.
  • It's telling that white nationalist "America First" activist Tyler Russell sees nothing wrong with Lauren Chen (allegedly) taking in millions of dollars to run a Russian influence operation: "I'd take money from Russia."
  • Finally, Donald Trump Jr. thinks that his father's biggest political liability is that he just has too much empathy and kindness.
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