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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Tongue-In-Cheek Treason

Bonus Tracks
  • Don't worry. When President Trump said that it was "treasonous" for Democrats not to applaud his State of the Union address, it was just "tongue-in-cheek."
  • Jerome Corsi is still hard at work "decoding" the cryptic postings from "Q."
  • Dennis Prager defends the Religious Right's support for Trump despite his myriad moral failings: "Evangelicals realize that the moral good of defeating the left is of surpassing importance. It can feel good to oppose the president, but religious supporters of the president are more interested in doing good than feeling good."
  • Cynthia Dunbar has secured endorsements from Sen. Ted Cruz and right-wing pseudo-historian David Barton in her bid for Congress.
  • LifeSiteNews reports that Father Dwight Longenecker "is calling on bishops to excommunicate the 14 Catholic-identifying U.S. senators who voted last week against banning late-term abortions."
  • Finally, Rick Wiles is "declaring war on Christian Zionism."