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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: This Country Needs a Dictator

Bonus Tracks
  • Right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs is launching(link is external) a streaming platform to "protect kids from woke propaganda."
  • Jesse Kelly declares(link is external) that "this country needs a dictator."
  • Jon Miller is pretty sure(link is external) that "95% of Karens are Jewish" because "it’s textbook Jewish behavior, nickling and diming every manager in sight, the obnoxious nasal complaining."
  • Steve Franssen asserts(link is external) that "white men should look out for other white men instead of being gay liberals who give everything away out of race humiliation."
  • After Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at(link is external) Nick Fuentes' APFAC event in 2022, Fuentes showered her with praise,(link is external) but now Fuentes claims(link is external) that he was just using her because "women do not belong in politics": "I all along never accepted Marjorie Green as a congresswoman."
  • Finally, Jonathan Cahn warns(link is external) that when President Joe Biden lit up(link is external) the White House in rainbow colors in 2022, he handed the nation over to an "ancient goddess" and we're now under "demonic possession."