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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Right's Religious Test For Office

Bonus Tracks
  • Franklin Graham, who spent(link is external) eight(link is external) years(link is external) endlessly(link is external) criticizing(link is external) President Obama, now wishes(link is external) everyone would stop criticizing President Trump: "I just wish the Democrats and the Republicans would work with him and stop trying to tear him down. Nothing is gained by putting forth the lie that he is unfit. I encourage people of faith to pray for the President and his family, Vice President Mike Pence and his family, and all those who serve in the Cabinet and the White House. They need our prayers."
  • Julio Severo is very upset(link is external) about the Trump administration's global effort(link is external) to decriminalize homosexuality: "When I think about violence and homosexuality, the first thought coming to my mind is not individuals suffering violence for their sexual lifestyle. The first thinking is children suffering homosexual violence — physical and psychological. There is a massive effort to cover up the suffering of children in the hands of homosexual predators."
  • BarbWire's David Jolly says(link is external) that Rep. Ilhan Omar should be "officially designated as an enemy of the United States and therefore, removed from Congress."
  • Gordon Klingenschmitt is likewise alarmed(link is external) about the presence of Muslims in Congress: "This is why America is vulnerable to Muslim terrorists, because we elect leftist radicals to Congress, who hate your childrens' (sic) safety and American security."
  • Finally, Laurie Cardoza-Moore's Proclaiming Justice to the Nation has launched(link is external) a "national petition to demand the immediate resignation of Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar."