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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The New Jim Crow

Bonus Tracks
  • Janet Porter says that if Republicans in Congress had passed the federal version of her anti-choice "Heartbeat Bill," they would not have lost control of the House in 2018.
  • Intercessors for America is upset that "more Christians saw [the movie] Captain Marvel than [the anti-abortion propaganda film] Unplanned."
  • The Christian Defense Coalition has been granted a "permit to publicly show the film 'Unplanned' right in front of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic" in Washington, D.C., on Friday, April 19.
  • Julio Severo weighs in on the fire at Notre Dame: "From a spiritual perspective, a place of idolatry was destroyed. And the destructive fire not only destroyed the idols of Mary and other men and women. It destroyed also Gargoyles — statues of demons."
  • Walid and Theodore Shoebat warn that "Sodom Is Taking Over The World And The Majority Of People, Even American Conservatives, Are Submitting To Homosexuality."
  • Finally, Alex McFarland claims that supposed discrimination against conservatives by social media companies "is the new Jim Crow."