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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Happiest Night of Dennis Prager's Life

Bonus Tracks
  • Josh Bernstein says that Hillary Clinton deserves "250 years in prison or the death penalty possibly for what she has done to this country."
  • James Dobson is urging Christians "to contact their representatives and demand that they start thinking more about their country and less about their thirst for political power. And then pray! Pray for our country, pray for all of our leaders, and pray for God's will to be done."
  • Mychal Massie declares that "white, liberal Democrats are the most jaundiced, sociopathic, transcendentally dishonest life forms on earth. They are an infectious variola that has metamorphosed into bipedal sapiens comprising the Democratic Party to its very core."
  • Bert Farias warns that "persecution of the church is coming and is already here. The spirit of antichrist and atheism is gaining momentum in our nation. The warning signs are in plain view for all churches and ministries to see. If it can happen in other nations it can happen here. America is not exempt. Could some within our shores soon be imprisoned or even killed for their faith?"
  • Chris McDonald claims that Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff traveled to Syria recently to meet with ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in an attempt to warn him of the impending U.S. raid.
  • Finally, Dennis Prager proclaims that the night Donald Trump was elected president was a happier one than the nights when even his own children were born.