Bradlee Dean is angry that President Donald Trump never arrested Joe Biden for treason because doing so would have ensured that Biden never would have won the election.
Ron Ewart vows that he will never accept a Biden presidency: "Unity Joe? Not on your life! Instead, in the words of Herman Melville in Moby Dick, '… to the last I grapple with thee; from Hell’s heart I stab at thee: for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee!'"
Scott Lively has some suggestions for how Trump can save this country, starting with "immediate enforcement of the laws of sedition and treason against all the co-conspirators in the 2020 Election Fraud Coup."
Robert Henderson claims that Kamala Harris is driven by "the Antichrist spirit." On the plus side, at least he correctly referred to her as "Vice President-elect" while doing so.
Finally, Rodney Howard-Browne says the COVID-19 vaccine is a satanic plot to change your DNA and "remove the God factor out of people so they won't feel God."