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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Ends Justify The Means For Robert Jeffress

Bonus Tracks
  • Robert Jeffress declares that the retirement of Anthony Kennedy vindicates the Religious Right's support for President Trump: "What is happening right now vindicates our decision to choose Donald Trump as president and I believe the #NeverTrump movement, still in evangelicalism, is going to be shut up forever."
  • Timothy Buchanan celebrates Kennedy's retirement: "Approval of abortion and promotion of homosexual perversity are a repulsive stench in the nostrils of God and those of his people. These national sins may soon be eradicated. "
  • Roger Severino, the director of the Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights, spoke at the National Right to Life convention yesterday where he told anti-choice activists that "we're just getting stared."
  • Theodore Shoebat says that Sen. Lisa Murkowski is a "satanic witch [who] looks like she could use a good inquisition."
  • Finally, after baselessly asserting that a 22-year-old Columbia University student arrested for sex crimes against children was a “Hillary Clinton campaign chairman," Liz Crokin now claims that no evidence can be found to support her assertion because the deep state "has been scrubbing the Internet for months of connections between elite pedophiles & HRC!"