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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Studied It Closely

Bonus Tracks
  • Greg Locke will be "burning all things related to witchcraft and the occult" on Halloween.
  • Frank Gaffney claims that he has "studied it closely" and come to the conclusion that President Joe Biden is a "controlled asset of the Chinese Communist Party."
  • Charlie Kirk says that the first murder in the Bible was caused by ... socialism.
  • "Prophetess" Kat Kerr asserts that all the babies killed in the current war on Israel immediately go to Heaven where they worship Jesus.
  • Peter LaBarbera declares that Rainbow Clubs in elementary schools are the "radical left's sexual equivalent of the Nazi Youth."
  • Finally, former Colorado state legislator Gordon Klingenschmitt issued an important warning: "[Using] marijuana has a permanent consequence and it may be Hell."
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