David Lane declares that "every church in every hamlet, town, and city across America should require a pastor, elder, deacon or congregant to run for local public office in 2024, 2026, 2028 and thereafter."
North Carolina's Christian nationalist Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson recently sat down for an interview with Alveda King.
The radically anti-LGBTQ group MassResistance is bragging that it "has been doing a lot of work behind the scenes this year in state legislatures."
The "Elijah Streams" program has gone full QAnon because, says host Steve Shultz, "it's come to a point where this subject can't be avoided anymore because is so blatantly clear and obvious" that the QAnon conspiracy theory is true.
Former President Barack Obama has been out of office for years, but Stew Peters is still out there promoting the "birther" conspiracy theory.
Finally, Jonathan Cahn attempted to prove that the perpetrator of the recent mass shooting in Nashville was demon-possessed by noting that the three children killed were all 9 years old: "What happens if you turn it upside down? 666."